She has lived On/Off in Abuja since 1993. Woooow!
Schooled in Scotland but has been back for about a year. Couldn’t resist asking this gorgeous fashionista HR consultant about Abuja: How it was, How she sees it now and What she want it to be…….
She was an absolute delight to talk to….. Enjoy!
CC : Where do you like to hang?
Cynthia: I love La Dolce Vita in Wuse 2 because after work you want to have a nice drink in an atmosphere that has nice young people, and have decent conversations with music that is loud enough to enjoy and low enough to encourage for chit chat.
Dinner: if I have to go out for dinner, i usually go to la dolce vita cos im there anyways, but once a week I go to Chez Victor with my cousin and family.
Fun: fun for me has evolved over the past year. It use to be basically clubbing, my favourites were tucano, soho and I kindda like play because I find the young crowd very interesting. I go to eden too because I love the DJ.
But recently fun for me has been more private and entertaining stuff like karaoke Night at soho where I go every Sunday with my sisters and my friends.

Sunday Afternoon: people are always looking to fill this time up and its usually boring…….
My friends and I bring our monopoly and other board games to salamanda and then we watch the salamanda movies too.
CC: Being Back in Abuja after a 3 years Hiatus, what do u miss?
Cynthia: The free roads. Abuja use to be traffic free and u could go from house to work in 5 short minutes, but now there I traffic at every major turn, its frustrating. But I hear they r working on that particular problem.
CC:What do you think Abuja should have:
Cynthia: Abuja is too contract based. There are no real industries and coporate organizations and the few here are head quatered in lagos or other states, thus you see a lot of young people especially young women hanging around doing nothing. Lots of ideas but no funds or encouragement and their ideas never see the light of day.

And then I think there should be more malls, more recreational activities and Art galleries should showcase Nigerian art, not art imported from Kenya or Ghana and other citys in Africa. A lot of expertriates and foreigners and sometimes even indigenes are on the look out for indigenous Nigerian art but hardly find.
CC: if there is one place you will ENDORSE for people coming in from out of town or even for Abuja resident to try out….. what place will that be?
La Dolce Vita!
Fantastic service, wonderful ambience, good food, lovely crowd. They serve Italian and Nigerian dishes and in my opinion they have the best pizza in Abuja.
N.B Cynthia is an Independent HR consultant and her clients include, Coporate organizations, develovement and funding agencies, NGOs and Private placements. she can be contacted throught the CC.