Its Saturday, you have a wedding to attend, you wanna look your best cos your EX is gonna be there. Its Monday morning and you’ve got a presentation to the board, your promotion depends on it. He has been doing the dance for a bit and he has finally asked you out on that date, oh my what to do what to do??? That’s where CYREENE MAKEUP LOUNGE comes in. City Crawler spoke with the latest Young Woman In Business - Kejie Obi-Atatchak……..
#CC- Federal Govt Girls College was known for having the brightest and most intelligent girls, and you were almost always top of your class. You have gone from top of the class to Miss Cross River to Mommy of 3 boys and now your latest endeavor, CEO CYREENE MAKE UP LOUNGE. How have you managed this transition?
#KEJIE - I’ve got alpha woman genes –from my Gran to my Mom and finally me, I’m from a long generation of first daughters.
#CC - What’s your Oscar?(highest peak of your career?)
#KEJIE -To have Cyreene make up lounge in every major city in Nigeria
#CC- What’s your typical day like?
#KEJIE - In the morning’s I’m a mom –school runs till 10oclock. After that I’m makeup artist and CEO Cyreene. It starts with setup, customers walk in. there is appointment consultation and walk in consultation. Everyone who comes in leaves with at least blush on their cheek. in the evenings I’m back to nanny duties with my boys. Once in a while, especially on weekends we hit the club scene. But I also try to attend important events.
#CC - So how did you develop this passion and the expertise?
#KEJIE -I think it started from pageantry, from there I kind of developed a passion for working behind the camera, as a makeup artist and a stylist. I’ve never had formal training, just talent and I’ve studied and read about it and also gotten hands on tips from other pros.
#CC - Will you be giving any lecture on the at the makeup 101 event?
#KEJIE - Yes I will. But im not going to be the only lecturer but ill be focused more on essentials.
#CC -What’s that about by the way? http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=166433159035&index=1
#KEJIE -The Makeup 101 event is themed – makeup tricks at your fingertips. Basically a class to teach ladies the proper makeover routine, from the basics of prepping skin care to basic makeup application methods. Proper makeup products, maintenance and simple tricks you can use to cheat nature with your makeup and finally to teach ladies on the basic essentials they should always have in their makeup bag. Proper makeup for different occasions hands on practical where the participants will translate what they have learnt.
#CC - How do u unwind?
#KEJIE - I soak in a luxurious bath, locked doors so that my kids don’t barge in and I fall asleep in my husband’s arms.
#CC - How does your husband come in in all of this, is he terribly supportive or does the fact that his wife is out there in the public eye bother him?
#KEJIE --He has been instrumental to everything. It was all a dream but he made me act it out and has been supportive all the way.
#CC - What is an absolutely essential makeup item every lady must have that can instantly lift up your face?
#KEJIE -Ill say 2 things, a liner pencil and blush. Dull or tired eyes always wake up or light up with a pencil and a dull plain face will transform immediately with a blush.
#CC - Any future plans?
#KEJIE - In the near future we plan to introduce an accessories line, makeup for everyday women and for professional makeup artist.
there u have it ladies, the Event is a must must attend. see u there....