I am happy to live in a world and in a time where young people are encouraged to do great things and I have noticed that more and more people are leaving the corporate world to start their own business. Many reasons, flexibility, control, or just plain tired of the routine of a 9-5. This is not only great for the economy but also good for individual growth and confidence.
As a young child growing up, I dreamt of being many things. Lawyer, pilot, princess, pirate etc. None of these quite worked out the way i planned but that is a story for another day.
In Nigeria, we are encouraged to go to school, finish, get a good job(now because of unemployment,any job will do) and then get married and have kids and settle down to growing old. As boring as this sounds alot of people tow this line. Which begs the question, are you doing absolutely what you want to be doing? Or are you stuck in a rut just because having a good job is what is expected of you or you feel safe? You dream about success and achieving great heights in life but you are too afraid to take the leap, how then do u intend to attain? Fear makes us irrational, desperate even, so we just sit in our comfort, quietly watching our days go by when we can do something about.
What the world needs is young passionate innovative individuals who are ready to take on the world and change the script, who can bravely challenge old ways of doing things/thinking and change them. Success isn’t predetermined by some force or a higher power, you attain success because of the choices you make, the risk you take and the hardwork and determination you put into your business or your art. As a young woman in business I consider every one, young and old who ventured out and succeeded as my inspiration and I doff my hat to them.
New ideas abound, Abuja has a thriving market, take control.
Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell - How little things can make a difference
Paul Arden is one of my Favourite Authors, you will find this books helpful...
And finally,( but of course you can add alot more)
7 Habits of Highly Effective people

Chief Executive Officer,White Rabbit ConcePt Nig
Publisher/Editor, City Crawler Magazine
08037135829WHITE RABBIT CONCEpT LIMITED. Also known as WR CONCEpT is an Events Design and Management, Public Relations and Advertising FIRM based in Abuja, Nigeria.
(YPIB - young people in business seminar/networking meet coming soon)